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Solvency II: EIOPA Taxonomy 2.8.0

A Snapshot of the Key Changes

On March 2023, following the Public Working Draft 3 (PWD 3) release, the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA) has published the final version of 2.8.0. Solvency II Model.

Based on the feedback received after the publication of PWDs, EIOPA made changes to both modeling and validation resulting in 2.8.0 Final release. The Final release of the 2.8.0 Taxonomy will be applicable from December 31, 2023 until a new version is announced. Simultaneously, the 2.7.0 release will continue to apply to PEPP and Pension Funds.

Our business experts have gathered the key highlights for you to keep track of the 2.8.0 changes. To learn more, download the Factsheet. 

Download the EIOPA Taxonomy 2.8.0 Factsheet to learn more:


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